The 1st School of Pizza in Germany


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The German National Pizza Team

The German Pizza National Team was born from an idea by Umberto Napolitano, who founded the first pizza school in Germany with Pizza-Schule in 2007.

Over the years, Pizza-Schule has instilled a passion for high-quality pizza and has helped raise awareness in the German market on this topic. Today, Pizza-Schule is synonymous with credibility and expertise. Thanks to his charisma, Umberto Napolitano succeeded in conveying emotions for his passion, thus founding the German Pizza National Team in 2017.

Its more than 25 members represent quality pizza in competitions, events, TV programs, and social initiatives both in Germany and abroad.

Why a Pizza-Nationalmannschaft Deutschland?

The primary goal of this initiative is to build a cohesive team that promotes collaboration among pizza makers in Germany and facilitates mutual support. Because we know how unity creates strength and opportunities.

Belonging to the exclusive team of the Pizza-Nationalmannschaft Deutschland provides all members with great visibility thanks to the ongoing initiatives of Pizza-Schule.

Team members actively contribute to the initiatives of Pizza-Schule, such as organizing and participating in pizza seminars, collaborating with major brands in this sector at events, initiating social initiatives, and much more.

All Members of the Pizza-National Team Germany

Who are the members of the Pizza-National Team Germany?

In recent years, the number of members of the Pizza-National Team Germany has steadily grown. Most of the pizza makers run a pizzeria or restaurant in various regions across Germany.

All members are pizza makers with extensive experience in the ancient art of pizza making. Through their dedication to their craft and continuous experimentation with new doughs and products, they represent the epitome of true Made in Italy.

In 2019, the Pizza-National Team Germany, in collaboration with Pizza-Schule, contributed to the book WIR LEBEN PIZZA, which became a great success.

Female Pizza Makers in the Pizza-National Team Germany

Pizza-Schule has always been very open to socio-political issues. Over the years, it has collaborated with associations and promoted social initiatives such as distributing pizzas to hospitals during the pandemic.

Living in a society of gender equality, where everyone has equal opportunities and recognition, should be the goal for each of us. Often, it takes time to spread a new way of thinking in society, which is why each of us plays an important role in promoting this change.

In recent years, more and more female pizza makers have chosen to pursue a professional career in the world of pizza. The names of prominent female pizza makers are now widely recognized, having excelled in various disciplines of competitions, from traditional pizza to freestyle.

Pizza-Schule is very grateful and proud to have female pizza makers in the Pizza-National Team Germany who promote high-quality pizza and represent this profession in an industry still largely dominated by men.

All Pizza Championships Participated in by the Pizza-National Team Germany

The Pizza-National Team Germany is committed to participating in major championships across Europe. Over the years, the team has been a key player in various major events: at the World Pizza Championship in Parma, northern Italy, and at the ExpoCook International Pizza Challenge in Palermo, Sicily, as well as at the European Pizza & Pasta Show in London.

A special thanks goes out to all partners such as Frießinger Mühle, Mutti, Goglio, who have actively supported initiatives by Pizza-Schule and the Pizza-National Team Germany for years.